How Well Do You Know Melbourne?

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Come here to play my guessing game - can you guess these seven locations in Melbourne?

(And, if you like my article, please consider "liking" it.  Thank you).


  1. oops, I had hoped my comment would also show here. So, I'll c&p...

    Well, I got 5 out of the 7 - yay!
    Not too bad for someone who just moved to Victoria a couple of years ago :D

    The first year we moved here, we trawled Melbourne and surrounds - especially the non-touristy parts.
    It's such a big, beautiful city, with so much more to see :)

    That was fun, thanks Sue :)

  2. Awww, was that you, Vicki??? Yay!!!

    I have to approve the comments before they show up - it will be there now :)

    I really am very impressed at your score. I don't think I would have scored that highly if I hadn't have been taking the photos myself, haha :)

    Any suggestions about things you'd like to see along that vein on Weekend Notes, please let me know.

  3. You might be surprised. It's amazing what the mind takes in without any effort at all, and then a glimpse or snapshot of something is all it takes to come to the fore :)

    Our first farmers market here was at Gasworks Park. Love that place, wish it/we were closer to it.
    And, even if you crop your image of Gog/Magog to 1/4, I'd still recognise these mythical timekeepers - I SO fell in love with them when we first visited Royal Arcade.

    I'm a bit of a sticky beak and dreamer and am always looking around, so I guess that's why your images were recognised.

    I didn't get the last two because;
    1. I don't travel on the trains often enough, sadly
    2. I'm not that much into sport, especially football - and boy, do I get a few dirty looks and comments when I tell Melbournians that. "NOT into football???" Lol.
    So the MCG, as historical as it is, isn't high on my "must see" list. Shame on me I know - how can I call myself an Aussie?!

    If you're going to do another "guess what/where", what about a cryptic snapshot of...
    "Angel" - that lovely HUGE mosaic along the Yarra, not far from Fed Square. She's gorgeous!
    An angled shot of the elegant Royal Exhibition building
    Any of the numerous fantastic bronze sculptures dotted throughout Melbourne, like the collared doggie in/near Melbourne City Square or that massive purse (can't remember which street its on) or those three skinny gentlemen on (I think) Swanston st or the big, fat jolly dude sitting up high on a cafe corner on Brunswick?
    A snap of Phar Lap in the museum.
    Angled shot of Luna Park's crazy face.
    And, how cool is the "Veg Out" garden in St Kilda? Now THAT's a community garden!
    And coolest of cool - Dracula's Cabaret in Victoria St. Get a shot of those gargoyles or old Vlad himself above the entrance.
    Lovely old Cook's Cottage in Fitzroy Gardens.
    Or, a snap of those lovely Whitehorse Council statues on the bus line to the train station. I think they're around Box Hill? The one I love, is three "segments", the horse has a magnificently arched neck.
    And... bored yet? Haha!


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