
Thursday, 22 October 2009

I wish I'd been to Bruno's Sculpture Garden before the fires that almost wiped it out. I would have loved to have seen these pieces amongst the beauty of his rainforest garden. And yet, even with a depleted garden the pieces had lost none of their charm and whimsy. Apologies for not-the-best shots - my camera was behaving badly along with my unsteady hands.


  1. Wow, those are fascinating. I can't tell what they are made out of, though.

  2. it's nice to see these Sue
    thanx for sharing

    i'm really drawn to the last sculpture, don't recall seeing it when i went b.t.f [before the fires]

  3. Barbara - aren't they. He's so talented.

    Erin - they are made out of clay, which is good for them as they were able to survive the heat of the fires.

    I love the last one too, Kel. It's gorgeous.


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