
Saturday, 7 January 2012

In a room with a bunch of strangers you sit.  Rugged individualists are you all, with the cultural power to destroy the world and the cultural grooming to despise each other.  Up on stage, a man plays impossibilities with his fingers onto a guitar.  You see them ribbon out into the room and tie you all together.

An everyday miracle.  Unseen.


  1.  Sue, this is simply stunning
    awesome visual imagery

  2. Exquisite, Sue. You excel in this shining jewel craft.

    My unseen miracle this morning was Mozart the master heart surgeon dexterously taking me apart with the scalpel of a slow movement, then putting me together ever so gently with stitches of sunlight. The universe is self-healing.

  3. I love this. I agree with Harry that you craft these very well, I enjoy dropping by to see the latest one. Thanks!

  4. Thank you, Emma

  5. Shining jewel craft.  Nice, Harry :)

    That's a gorgeous one you've offered up yourself.  It's not too late to play River of Stones, you know ;)


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