Ragdoll Style

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

The naturopath's cat lies on the paving outside.  He wishes to be alone, facing away from newcomers.  His tail swishes, a disinclination to be patted.  Nevertheless, "miaow," he says without looking at me as I walk past.

When I finish my appointment, he has moved to the couch inside.  He sleeps ragdoll style, his legs dangling over the edge.


  1. Aww...my kitten sleeps this way, and I can't resist scooping her up. :-)

  2. I like that cat. But then I like all cats, and regularly pass the time of day with them, learning much from their natural wisdom:)

  3. Beautiful and so reminiscent of my daughter's Mittens ~ black and so unconcerned!

  4. Hi Judith, thanks for commenting.  They are beautiful cats, those ragdolls.  They seem to have more of a dog personality than lots of other cats but still that imperialistic snootiness that every single cat on the planet possesses :)

  5. They do have a lot of natural wisdom, don't they.  I like their sense of boundaries.  There is also a great deal to dislike about them as well at times, haha :)

  6. Has she bitten you yet?  ;)


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