We Belong

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Pah to the prevailing paradigm that our lives don't matter.  Our lives matter.  I matter.  You matter.  I am tired of being dictated to by the Church of Fundamentalist Science that the entirety of the elephant is what they see - and that my place in that elephant doesn't matter.  Science is an awesome awesomeness.  But it's just one way of looking at the elephant.  That statement may seem hopelessly naive, but that's simply because we are stuck within the current narrative of our culture as much as people of other ages were stuck in theirs.  We look at previous ages and wonder how people could not have seen what was so obvious to us.  Future generations will look at us and wonder how stupid we could have been, just as we do to those who went before us.  But I'm not talking so much about a linear progression of technology leading to more and more advanced knowledge as I am about how our technology and our intellectual advances can get in the way of deeper forms of knowing, of wisdom, of body knowledge, of our connection to the earth.  Despite the amazing breakthroughs that have occurred in the scientific field, it doesn't mean that when it comes to making meaning of life, or of putting limits on things - of practising wisdom - that practitioners of scienctism-as-meaning are not looking right up the elephant's arse.

This is my home.  The earth is my home.  We are tied to her in a way that we as a people are only beginning of understand ... or remember.  Indigenous cultures who still have strong ties to the land know what we cannot easily know because there's no place on the spreadsheet for it.  We think we know so much, but we are overrun with information and completely depleted in seeing the big picture of how we all fit together.  We keep buying into the illusion of separation.  We are as limited in our viewpoint of "reality" as fundamentalist religionists of the Middle Ages, just in a vastly different direction.  Every age and era has a prevailing story it tells itself.  Each story privileges views that other stories hide.  Each story has its limitations.  We are seeing in the earth and in our insides the limitations of our narrative and its destruction even while we are unable to articulate and intellectualise what it is we are sensing.

I rejoice in the thought that the way I see intellectually is limited.  It validates the vast fields that I walk in but can't elucidate, the more beautiful world that's possible, as Charles Eistenstein puts it.  The world that is there, on a deeper level, one that encompasses my intellect but goes past it.  The heartspace.  We all have this.  It's lack of use is partly why we feel so ill at ease and disatissfied.  Life is waaaaaaaaaaay more than this particular paradigm.  And so are we.  We know this somewhere.  It is a trustworthy knowing.  It comes from the gut.

Berry Hard Work by JD Hancock


  1. ..."we think we know so much".
    The hubris of mankind.
    Yet, (I believe) we know so very little.

    Consciously, that is.

    Answers lie deep within us - blanketed under many generations of bullshit, in all forms.
    Years and years of genetic conditioning. Convincing us to listen to an all-knowing, "higher authority" and no other.
    Certainly not to trust our Selves. Hell no.

    Some of us that choose to really pay attention to within - the essence that connects us all, are sometimes rewarded with an insight that can make one giddy. Thirsting, reaching, wanting to "know" more.
    It is often fleeting.
    But, it's enough to give one hope in an all too hope-less world.

  2. Hi, I'm river. I came here via Vicki's Home, In a Heartbeat.
    It's a little discomforting sometimes, to think of everything I don't know and probably never will know.

    1. Hi River.

      It is discomforting, isn't it. But then there's something about it that I find really encouraging and even comforting. It ramps up the mystery of life, and that's always a good thing :)

      Thanks for coming by :)


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