Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
I find that concept alluring, exciting, mysterious. I recall someone saying once, talking about atoms, that in some way the atomic elements are meant to repel each other, or crash into each other, or something (me didn't listen in science class) but there is some mysterious force holding them together. I tend to think that that very force itself is God. Holding everything together at an atomic level. How cool.I love Tolle's description here of matter resembling a musical note rather than anything solid. I don't know if that discombobulates any of you, but to me it makes me drift. We are something akin to walking music. Cool.
Today, I feel like I'm walking death metal (cookie monster, cookie monster). But I know that this is a passing parasitical fancy. Sometime soon I shall be feeling a bit more mandolinial :)
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