A pinning up on the Discombobula fridge

Monday 18 August 2008

Unnamed, unfired. Weird but loved.

Posting my stuff, I feel like a kid just come home from kindergarten *kicks floor shyly*


  1. fabulous! are you looking for names?

  2. Sure, I'll take suggestions :)

    (I was just reading your blog when you were commenting on mine. Spooky! Enjoy your trip :) Bubby Connor is beautiful)

  3. How about Hootie.

    Really cool, btw, I have no talent whatsoever with clay.

  4. Very handsome in a creepy sort of way. Is it male or female?

    LOL I like Hootie!

  5. Tyler - Hootie, haha. That's cute :) I don't have a great deal of experience with clay so my talent isn't wonderful - but gee, I love playing with it :)

    Erin - I think it's very creepy in a creepy sort of way :) I think it's quite ugly actually but I'm kind of in love with it. I still don't know what it represents, which is probably why I haven't named it. It's male.

  6. from the front he looks a bit scary with the big empty eye sockets, but from the side those eye sockets give him a more friendly, conical look, he's cool!...I like his mouth!

  7. Andi - his mouth was kind of an accident, actually. Squashed it together and it went all kissy and I kinda liked it.

    Maggie suggested I dialogue with the clay, which feels so wanky you know, but it's like dialoguing with this part of yourself you've made. So I did. I asked him why he has such giant Grohlish nostrils. And straight away when occurred to me was that he would say, "My nostrils are so big, because like pigs snuffle for truffles, so I need a bg nose." I still don't know what it means really :) But truffles are really really expensive, worth more than gold, so I think it must be a good thing he's sniffing for.

  8. Grohlish? LOL you made me spit my milk!

    Oh wait, so now he's a pig? Well his name is Wilbur for sure!

  9. my, what large eyes you have hootie wilbur
    all the better to see things with?

  10. Wow!!!! Very impressed - I'm with Erin more Wilbur than Hootie>

  11. Wow!!!! Very impressed - I'm with Erin more Wilbur than Hootie>

  12. Erin - a pig? Huh? What's Dave Grohl got to do with a pig?

    Kel - yes, sees and smells but has no ears :)

    Mork - thanks :) it's a bit rough and ready and hasn't even been fired yet, but if he survives the kiln I will hang him up in my yard, I think :)

  13. You said "he would say, "My nostrils are so big, because like pigs snuffle for truffles, so I need a big nose." so I just assumed he was a a pig.

  14. Der, yeah, I see that now.

    It's hard being so incredibly intelligent on the one hand and so dumb on the other ;)

    I thought you were saying you didn't like Dave Grohl much, hehe.

    Anyway, what are you doing online?

  15. I heart Dave Grohl.

    I was online for a few mins this AM and a few mins now. Because you know I can't help myself. But I have much to do and need to get busy again. 4:30 comes early.


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