Friday, 16 October 2009

I saw K last night. Feeling rather despondent, as you do with broken or cracked ribs. They came about because some woman with a smack problem who had just lost custody of her kids chose to take it out on the homeless woman outside the court.

Scapegoating in action. Please pray for my friend K.


  1. That's a bummer, Sue. What medical care is she getting? Warm, healing, divine vibes for that child o' God.

  2. I prayed for K this morning, after reading your post. I'm glad she has you, looking out for her, Sue.

    P.S. I'm enjoying my copy of The Book of Awakening. I ordered it after hearing you mention it a couple of times, here.

  3. MysticBrit - not receiving any medical care, actually. I was moaning at her to go to the hospital but as she said, what are they going to do for her? There isn't anything you can do for cracked or broken ribs. Poor lady

    Sherry - thank you for prayers. I'm glad you're enjoying Book of Awakening. I've got mine sitting in the bathroom so I read it intermittently :)

  4. Man, people suck. Not you, and not poor K, but the nasty lady who saw an easy victim. Boo.

    I will pray too. Not that I'm certain what it does, but it helps me to know God at least listens, even if he doesn't do anything.

  5. When you next see her, Sue, tell her someone on the other side of the world is praying for her.

    And give her my love.


  6. Erin - you know what? I feel so much more comfortable knowing that people are praying who don't quite know what it does. I feel like the whole ACTS way of praying is so BORING and I don't want that. But just talking to God - I like that :)

    But yeah I agree, sometimes I get angry and say "I dont know why I bother telling you all this seeing you don't seem to be bothered to do anything." Hah

    MysticBrit - hmmm, the only problem with that is that then she would know I'm writing about her, and I feel strangely reticent to tell her that for some reason. But maybe I will tell her anyway :)

  7. I understand Sue. You do as you see fit, and I'll pray for her anyway:)



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