All the Love in the World

Monday, 15 April 2013

I go about in search of love; and I find it in unmeasured stores in the bosoms of others.  But when I try to ask for it, this horrible shyness strangles me;  and I stand dumb, or worse than dumb, saying meaningless things - foolish lies.  And I see the affection I am longing for given to dogs and cats and pet birds, because they come and ask for it.  It must be asked for;  it is like a ghost:  it cannot speak unless it is first spoken to.  All the love in the world is longing to speak;  only it dare not because it is shy, shy, shy.  That is the world's tragedy.

~ George Bernard Shaw


  1. Good reminder. And it's also important (and often hard) to recognize and name it when it's offered.

    1. Oh, I feel sad when I think about how many times in the world people are asking for it but it's not recognised!

  2. Love it! So true, we must remember to ask, especially in long term relationships. Often all it takes is opening one's arms towards the person to telegraph it, then heading in for a hug. :)

  3. With my hubby it works anyway. He's a bit of a cat who walks alone, but if I go in for a hug or kiss he always likes it and it softens him. If i didn't do it, he would go on never thinking of it or knowing he was needing it, I suspect.

    1. Of course I am picturing your hubby now as a jazz-playing sunglasses-inside wearing cat :)

      Hi Keechy, thanks for commenting :) You sound like you've got a pretty sweet sort of groove going with your hubby.


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