Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap must have been playing on Countdown on regular rotation when I was 5 years old. I don't imagine conservative 1976 Australia would have been playing it on the radio, and my parents didn't have this album, so I must have been hearing it from somewhere. I loved this song. And Countdown was our regular Sunday night fare for as long as I can remember, from 6 to 7pm on a Sunday night, with Molly Meldrum exhorting us to do ourselves a favour every week and get ourselves one of those giant massive album things (don't LP records look just enormous nowadays? :)
The song took on a rather different lustre in my five-year-old mind than it does now. I just overrode the things I knew nothing about - murder via concrete boots, ways to kill off your husband and get a bonus quickie on the side. None of those things meant anything to me.

No, I thought it was called Dirty Deeds and the Dunder Cheep. This was a two character play. On one side you had Dirty Deeds. I don't know what he/she/it was. Dirty Deeds may have been the character mentioned first, but they were just a sidekick to the real star of the show, the Dunder Cheep, which looked something like this on a giant scale :)
See, you can throw your kids in amongst songs about concrete booting your enemies and it's alright - that kiddy innocence is the most effective filter there is :)
Happy Saturday, bloggers :)
Happy Saturday Sue.
ReplyDeleteSue, how beautifully put! We as adults seem to put such a sinister slant on everything, where we as children just enjoy things for themselves! I remember this exact thing with The Goodies, watching as a child, I loved the slapstick comedy, watching as an adult, they are really very risque! We need to let children enjoy things as children do and stop adulterating them!
ReplyDeleteHey Gemma, how u go, bro? I was just thinking about you yesterday, wondering what you're up to.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it amazing watching stuff back from when you were a kid and seeing how much you missed, hehe.
Me and Andi watched Xanadu on Monday. I loved that movie when I was 11 or however old I was when it came out. We were just laughing at the appalling acting and the horrid pathetic storyline - but I do love the music :)