The poor in spirit

Monday 10 November 2008

“How blessed are the poor in spirit: the kingdom of Heaven is theirs”
(Matthew 5:3)

What an opening line! I always say it’s the opener of Jesus’ inaugural address. “How happy are the poor in spirit.” It’s crucial, a key to everything Jesus is teaching.

Poor in spirit means to live without a need for your own righteousness. It’s inner emptiness; no outer need for your own reputation. If you’re poor in spirit it won’t be long before you’re poor. In other words, you won’t waste the rest of your life trying to get rich because you’ll know better.

Richard Rohr


  1. I love the way Rohr puts this - "What an opening line!" He's absolutely right, of course. Great quote.

  2. Hey! I love this. Rohr is such an amazing truth seer and conveyor. Kent, of course :), introduced him to us last year...

  3. This guy has been such a conveyor of truth for me. Such a searcher, seeker and finder. Yes, Manu, Kent introduced him to me, too. I get excited when I think about how I have read one book of his - and it's one that I can go back to and swim in over and over again. I plan on getting some more sometime soonishly :)

  4. "Poor in spirit means to live without a need for your own righteousness. It’s inner emptiness; no outer need for your own reputation. If you’re poor in spirit it won’t be long before you’re poor. In other words, you won’t waste the rest of your life trying to get rich because you’ll know better."

    Thank you for this today, Sue. =)


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