Astrological and Energetic Predictions for 2013

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Happy New Year and welcome to the new unfolding on earth of cheer, peace, goodwill towards all that has begun, though we cannot yet see it on the physical plane.  This is exactly what 2013 is going to be about - an unfolding, like silk, of new possibilities, new connections.  The old is crumbling.

As the smorb has conjuncted with the satellite of Knos from the end of December and peaking today, it is a prime time for synchronicity.  Keep your eyes and your ears out and hear what the universe has to say.  We are growing more and more on an energetic level towards the love and harmony many of us have dreamed of, and even despaired of, understanding how ridiculous a proposition it has seemed in the light of the reign of the Dark Ones.

Jupiter entered the 21st Glob back in on 21 December 2012 (a date which, coincidentally, the world was never prophesied to end, though the media delighted in trying to use it as one more means of enfearing the people so they drown in their own anxieties).  Just after the 21st Glob, many of you would have come across a deep and mysterious chunk of cheese and a man wearing polyester earrings. The meaning of this cheese will haunt you all the way through 2013 - but in a good way, but in a beautiful haunting leading to small awakenings that will integrate many of the aspects of your shadow personality you have been working so hard to reclaim over the past few years. 

In September, when the gorms reach the sequidistant clap and purgulate the smotty poon, all of the hard lessons from 2010 through to 2012 will coalesce, via amazing synchronicities and beauty you can not now see is even possible, into wisdom, and you will understand the deep meaning of the cheese, the earrings, the man, and your own reason for being on this earth.

It is truly a time for the beginnings of personal as well as global unity and harmony. 

* You know, though it might appear to the contrary, I actually don't sneer at energetic or astrological predictions and readings.  I regularly have some of I keep up with in my feedreader.  I think, like so many things, there are elements of truth hidden in amongst a great deal of falsehood, and it's for Psyche to pick through the seeds and sort the cumin from the sesame.  However, despite that, and also because it is 1am, and I am too intense too often and need to lighten the fuck up, this post was really fun to write :)


  1. It was also fun to read :) Blessings on your up-lightening!

  2. Haha, thanks, TP! Writing twaddle is a great way to up-lighten! :)

  3. Hehe. Thanks, Harry Roiley :)

  4. There's an SF book called "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle — the wrinkle helps you do time travel — it's a scientific theory. The minute you can laugh, I mean truly let it all go into a giggle, you can leap far ahead of yourself. Love the image of Psyche picking through the seeds.

  5. Ooh, what a gorgeous thought, Sarah. I love that ... brings up such imagery. You do have such a lovely way of painting with words as well as painting with paint :)

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